Этта Джеймс на одном из последних выступлений задиссила и Бейонсе за то, что та исполнила её At Last на инаугурации американского президента, и заодно самого Обаму...
по всей видимости провал Кадиллак Рекордз не дает Этте спокойно жить))
"You guys know your president right?
You know the one with the big ears.
Yeah, wait a minute, he ain't my president, he might be yours.
I tell you that woman he had singing for him, singing my song, she gonna get her ass whipped.
The great Beyonce! Now like I said, she ain't mine.
I can't stand Beyonce! She had no business up there singing. Singing on a big ole, big ole president day and going be singing my song that I've been singing forever."